
More than words


“More than Words” is a game which forms part of the series of methods “Tell your Story” encouraging conversations about life, values and other important things, as well as helping to learn more about yourself and improve yourself.

Informācija latviešu valodā:
“More than Words” (latviski “Vairāk nekā vārdi”) ir spēle, kas veicina sarunas par dzīvi, vērtībām un mums nozīmīgo, kā arī palīdz izzināt un pilnveidot sevi. Vairāk informācijas latviešu valodā: https://stastustastiem.lv/product/vairak-neka-vardi/


“More than Words” is a game which forms part of the series of methods “Tell your Story” encouraging conversations about life, values and other important things, as well as helping to learn more about yourself and improve yourself. The deck contains 75 cards, each having one word and picture. Combinations of pictures and words are created with a special intention which players analyse during the game.

The game “More than Words” is developed by the creative team of “Tell your Story”, and the author of the pictures is Dace Andersone, a visual facilitator, who drew them especially for this game.

The purpose of the game is to encourage conversations about life, values and other important things, thus learning more about yourself and others. Each card may serve as an impulse to reflect on the content and meaning of a specific word – what it means to use, what is our attitude to it, how we relate it to ourselves and our personal and professional life. The method invites to consider if, what and how we would like to change something in ourselves and why. The cards encourage conversations about important things which we do not discuss often enough.

Target groups 

Anyone who deals with educational and personal development issues – educational staff, youth workers, career advisors, business consultants, coaches, psychologists, social workers etc. The game may be used both individually and in groups. The method is suitable for players starting from the school age.


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